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Stage 2

In talking with our communities while developing the Albury 2030 Community Strategic Plan and Wodonga 2033 Vision, we heard a clear message that the councils should work more closely together to achieve a number of goals under the four pillars of Our Economy, The Environment, Our Community and Partnering in Leadership.

The actions listed underneath these goals indicate the ways in which we hope to work together to achieve these aspirations for the future. An Action Plan has been developed following the public exhibition of the Two Cities One Community Strategic Plan. The Action Plan details how and when projects will be delivered, and we will report back to the community on the progress of these actions as part of the implementation process.

Our Goals


We have a high level of awareness of sustainability and environmental issues


We preserve and experience the beautiful and unique area we live in


We are a leader in natural resource management


We are acting to ensure the sustainability of our environment
Community Aspirations

Preserve the beautiful area we live in

Harmony with others and the

Built environment, rural feel

Increase awareness in sustainability
and environmental issues

Be a leader in natural resource

Improve environmental infrastructure
and services